The call for Showcase in Seoul Music Week 2019 is closed.
The call for Showcase in Seoul Music Week 2019 is closed. Internatinal 102 bands, Korean 51 bands ; Total 153 bands applied for the...

International Showcase Application Open!!!
International Showcase Application Open!!! Seoul Music Week 2019!!! Seoul Music Week is the best opportunity for showcase into Korean &...

서울뮤직위크 2019! 국내 쇼케이스 공모
서울뮤직위크 2019! 국내 쇼케이스 공모가 시작되었습니다. 해외 진출과 국내 공연 활성화에 뜻과 열정을 가진 많은 아티스트와 에이전시 등의 지원을 기대합니다. 지원기간은 11월 한달입니다.

Seoul Music Week @ WOMEX
Seoul Music Week! Stand no : b47~48 We are participating in the WOMEX, which is being held in Las Palmas, Spain. If you want to...

2018 Boreal Festival | "The Tune"
The Tune captivated the audience for Boreal. The Tune finished their first overseas performance with great success. I was really...

Colours of Ostrava 2018 \ 악단광칠
The Akdangwanghil was invited to the Colours of Ostrava 2018 through a showcase of the Seoul Music Week in 2017. 최근 유럽에서 가장 주목 받는 페스티벌인...

2018 SMW Review #4 Juliana Voloz
2018 SMW Review #4 Juliana Voloz

SMW 2018 Review #3 Kaushik Dutta
SMW 2018 Review #3 | Kaushik Dutta

SMW 2018 Review #2 Agus Setiawan Basuni
SMW 2018 Review #2 | Agus Setiawan Basuni

2018 SMW Review #1 Gonia
2018 SMW Review #1